Saturday, March 27, 2010

My first blog

I guess all blogs start with a 'My first blog' entry (at least the ones written by new bloggers like me!)

I'm starting this blog to track my latest project: The construction of a Cabin in Gambier Island. If you decide to read through, you will find a lot of technical information on building a small cabin in a remote location. Very likely you'll also get to know me and share the personal aspect of this journey!

Building a house/Getaway/Cabin has been the dream of my life for as long as I remember. Even before I moved to Canada I remember looking for a piece of land to buy close to Bogota (in La Calera, Chia or Cota); after moving to Canada I continued my search and visited the Okanagan, the Sunshine Coast, some areas of the lower mainland and some of the Gulf Island looking for that piece of land. I never found anything that I liked (and afford!), everything I saw was too small, too far too crowded or... too expensive. Then I found it... 5 acres lots on a 60 lot subdivision, with great water views, 1 hour away (door to door using public transit and water taxi), and at a decent price! the rest was easy... offer, review of documents, financing, removal of subjects and done!

The lot is located in the Sunset/Fircom area on Gambier Island; Gambier Island is the big island located between West Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast north of Bowen. Most of the island is undeveloped (hopefully it will stay like that) with a small settlement at New Brighton (west side of the island); New Brighton is serviced by a passenger only ferry from Gibsons; there are however, no roads connecting this settlement with the Sunset/Fircom Area. The only access to our lot is by Water Taxi from Horseshoe Bay (just 20 minutes boat ride!). From the public dock to our lot it's an enjoyable 25 minute walk (should take less than 5 minutes to drive once we get a truck over).

Next step: design the house... How many houses have I designed? I’ve lost track a long time ago... too many, none of them for real as I did not have a piece of land, so it was always a game. But now I do actually have a piece of land and I can start designing a house tailored to the location.