Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Succesful move...

After the last push to get everything (or at least as much as possible into the container), and get everything secured to prevent it from shifting during the trip, the date came to get the container over to the site.
Everything went smooth: The truck arrived onsite on time and the barge was waiting for us at the ramp. Once the Jeep and the truck were loaded we were on our way...

The original plan was to travel by barge to the fircom pier (40 minutes trip from Horseshoe bay). There is no real ramp at Fircom, to unload the barge just gets as close at possible to the beach (which is not that close unless the tide is really high), and the truck would have to drive on a loose sand an pebble beach for a few meters. In order to avoid the risk of having the truck stuck on the beach, the barge was taken to 'Long Bay'. This added an extra 15-20 minutes of travel time, but there is a concrete ramp and the first few meter of road are paved (good thing as this is one of the steepest pieces of road I've ever been on!!)

Unloading the truck of the barge and getting it up the hill was the scariest part! But the truck made it to the top with no problems; from there getting to the site and unloading the container took less then 20 minutes.

After opening the container I found that only one small box had moved around, and there was no damage at all!!

The first two days I spent setting up camp and re-organizing some of the contents of the container to make access to everything easier. I also installed and tested the water pump, and got to drink some fresh water from the well...

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