Tuesday, June 15, 2010

An end and a beginning....

Today was my last day at my 9-5 job. Not having a job will give me the freedom and time that this project will require. Anyway my original plan was to stay for only 6 months and I ended up staying for more than 2 years. It's hard to break the addiction to a pay-check! but it was harder the first time; once you've done something once, doing it again is way easier...

There is a lot of things that I'll miss! Somehow I'll miss the daily routine, the bus ride in the morning, a very decent meal for a more than decent price, all the things that you take for granted. But I know that what I'll miss the most is my people! After 8 hours a day for two years almost non stop, the people you spend your time with become part of your life and that chair and that desk become your home! I wish I could go over every once in a while and do my design work from 'my desk';

Unfortunately I was not enjoying my job anymore, and when you spend most of your day doing something that you don't enjoy, you are wasting your life, and I could not do that anymore...

Tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of my life, and the day that I'll start making my dream a reality...

Wish me luck!


  1. You are a good man Daniel. An intrepid warrior in fact. Via con Amphitrite amigo!


  2. Well, my friend, you will be missed around here too. I am looking forward to following your adventures and challenges and hope to see the end result in the not too distant future. Wishing you all the best! Michael Cain

  3. This is very brave and romantic, Daniel! Garry

  4. Wow, Dani no sabía que tenías un blog!!!. Está muy chévere y desde ya, muchos éxitos con tus nuevos proyectos de vida.

